Wrinkle Fillers For Under the Eye

Many wrinkle fillers work by restoring lost volume to the cheeks and treating nasolabial folds. Such fillers are not recommended for bags and other age-related issues that occur under the eyes. Some of the most delicate skin on the body, the area under the eyes often shows signs of aging before other parts of the face.

Taking good care of this fragile skin by eating well, avoiding too much sun, getting enough sleep, moisturizing, and drinking plenty of water is necessary to avoid the saggy, baggy look. Using wrinkle fillers for under the eye via your favorite West Hollywood dermatologist is also recommended.

Let’s take a look at Restylane, a fantastic injectable filler for under-eye problems:

What Skin Conditions Does Restylane Treat?

Restylane treats folds, wrinkles, mild to severe lines, and lost facial volume. It is frequently used to remove lines, folds, and wrinkles around the mouth, to contour or sculpt the face, and augment the lips. It also works exceedingly well under the eyes. Dark circles, bagginess, and sunken areas are the most common under-eye aging issues, with Restylane an ideal wrinkle filler for such problems.

How Does It Work?

The filler is injected into either the dermis, the subcutis, or into the area just above the bone. Safe to inject at several skin layers during treatment, Restylane consists of hyaluronic acid, which is found naturally in the dermis. The body loses hyaluronic acid as it ages, resulting in wrinkles and folds. Restylane and numerous other fillers work by restoring this vital substance.

How Long Does Restylane Last?

Treatment lasts six months to one year. Twice-yearly “touch-ups” are recommended to continue enjoying the beautiful effects of Restylane.

What is Recovery Like?

A very safe wrinkle filler, patients may experience mild redness and swelling following treatment, however this subsides after a few days. Ice packs help alleviate symptoms. Light bruising around the injection site may occur, however it will also diminish within a few days. Avoiding aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents one week prior to treatment is recommended to keep bruising to a minimum. Many patients have the procedure done on their lunch hour and then go back to work. Additionally, results are immediately noticeable, and continue to improve in the week or so following treatment.

For more on Restylane and other wrinkle treatments available through your favorite West Hollywood dermatologist, please contact The Kopelson Clinic today.