Top 5 Anti-Aging Articles for the Week of April 22, 2013


Photo Credit: David Rayner’s Flcker Photostream. An original Front-of-House still showing a scene from “Five Weeks in a Balloon”, seen in CinemaScope and colour at the Plaza, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, on Monday, August 26th, 1963 (20th Century-Fox)

The Top 5 Anti-Aging Articles for the Week of April 15, 2013 are…

We started the week with a fascinating quote:

“It has been known for millennia that large animals live longer, inspiring numerous theories of aging. For example, elephants and humans live longer than mice, which in turn live longer than worms and flies.”

However, within species, smaller sizes often live longer.

Read more: Size and Aging From a Programmed Perspective

Our second article of the week is Vanquish: A Pain-Free Fat Melter As summer approaches, many people begin to panic about the season’s revealing clothing. Supposedly, a new machine called Vanquish helps people quell their panic without even touching the body.The Vanquish fat-melting process consists of a Czech-made device that uses focused-field radio frequency to melt fat on the abs, and studies say it works. However, it won’t be available until September. Worth the wait? Read to find out.

Next, an article about thinning hair, an embarrassing problem that many people suffer from, but don’t like to talk about. Thinning hair can be caused by aging, genetics, lifestyle issues, illness, some combination of all the aforementioned, and more. However, there are ways to style your hair that can help hide the thinness. (Also, you should also speak to a doctor to make sure nothing needs to be done medically or lifestyle-wise.) Read more: Styling Tips for Thinning Hair

Laser Resurfacing: Ablative Vs. Nonablative Lasers explains the differences including pros and cons between ablative and nonablative lasers. Lasers treat a multitude of skin conditions in varying intensities. If you’ve decided that a laser is the best way to achieve the results you desire, the next step is to understand what kinds of lasers are available.

And we closed the week with Smooth Away Stretch Marks With These Three Options. Just about everyone has stretch marks after a certain age, though the severity varies from person to person. They can appear with pregnancy, weight gain, or via genetics or some combination of all these factors and more. Still, no matter how light your stretch marks are or what caused them, they always feel really noticeable and ugly. This article provides three ways to get rid of these annoying blemishes.