Doctor: Appetite Suppressants Not Worth It

Little data exists in support of taking an appetite suppressant.

“There are little or no rigorous data addressing the efficacy of these sorts of compounds,” University of Alabama at Birmingham professor Timothy Garvey, MD, says in the article “Are Appetite Suppressing Pills Worth It?” by Anna K. Fryxell, Social Media Associate for New Beauty.

Dr. Garvey also says, “People buying these products are likely to be wasting money.” Hoodia gordonii or green coffee bean extract sound legit enough in a weird kind of “natural medicine” way, but there is no proof they do anything to help a person not eat or to speed up the weight loss process.

Weight loss is not a speedy process and if you want to do it quickly, you may need to reassess your goals and timeline. Speak to your doctor about safe weight loss guidelines. You may also want to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can advise on medically approved procedures to help achieve your weight loss goals.