Acne Frequently-Asked Questions

Your favorite Beverly Hills dermatologists offer outstanding treatments for acne and acne scarring, including laser treatment and photodynamic therapy. The Kopelson Clinic team is always ready to answer patient questions, and offer the following answers to common acne-related queries:

Does Acne Indicate Skin Care Routine Issues?

While a lackluster skin care regimen will certainly affect skin, harsh cleansers and astringents have also been known to aggravate acne. Scrubbing too hard will irritate existing acne issues as well. Since acne is a the result of hormone imbalances, dealing with it effectively goes beyond regular cleansing.

What Else Triggers Acne Flare-Ups?

Other factors contributing to blemished skin include oil from makeup and other skin care products, stress, pressure from tight clothing or headgear, environmental irritants, and “picking” at affected areas.

Does Chocolate Cause Acne?

Chocolate and greasy foods have long been blamed for acne problems, however there’s very little evidence to support such claims. However, enjoying a healthy, clean diet will improve skin’s appearance.

Are There Different Types of Acne?

Numerous different types of acne exist, including:

  • Cysts: Painful, deep, pus-filled lesions. Cysts often result in scarring.
  • Pustules: More commonly known as pimples, pustules are generally red at their base and feature yellow or white pus-filled heads.
  • Nodules: Solid, large, painful lesions located deep in the skin.
  • Papules: Small, pink, inflamed lesions often tender to the touch.

How Does Acne Form?

Acne forms due to infection of the body’s pilosebaceous units (PSUs). Such units are located all over the body and feature sebaceous glands connected to hair follicles containing one fine hair each. Keratinocytes cells line the follicles. Pilosebaceous units are most common on the face, chest, and back.

The sebaceous glands produce sebum, which drains through the skin, specifically the pores. Hair, sebum, and keratinocytes cells sometimes “work together” to form plugs, which prevents the sebum from draining as it should. This allows skin bacteria to multiply and eventually result in inflammation. The result? Acne.

Discuss your acne problems with the Beverly Hills dermatologists at The Kopelson Clinic and find the treatment that works best for you. Contact the premier clinic today to learn more.